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© 2003 - 2024 Lee Crystal's Outpost 13 All rights reserved
Welcome to Lee Crystal’s Main Website. 6/12/24 On the web for 20 years! Work on the first of my Pirates of Sol novel “The Black Swan” is finished. I started work on adding new items to the site related to the novel. There will be related deck layouts of the Ship Without A Name (SWAN) along with other images of the ship and other related details on this site. In the illustrated version of the book will have these and other images in a PDF version. Once these versions are upload they will then be made advailable for sale. 23 chapters with a prologue and and epilogue. Links to them all will be added to the website once they are active. Items available at the Apparel Plus Store. My short stories are available on smashworks! You can check out all of Lee’s SciFi Works and buy some directly from here on the Ebooks, Books pages. Stay Tuned!!! Want notifications of new books from Lee Crystal sign up here.
Made with Xara
© 2003 - 2024 Lee Crystal's Outpost 13 All rights reserved
Welcome to Lee Crystal’s Main Website. 6/12/24 On the web for 20 years! Work on the first of my Pirates of Sol novel “The Black Swan” is finished. I started work on adding new items to the site related to the novel. There will be related deck layouts of the Ship Without A Name (SWAN) along with other images of the ship and other related details on this site. In the illustrated version of the book will have these and other images in a PDF version. Once these versions are upload they will then be made advailable for sale. 23 chapters with a prologue and and epilogue. Links to them all will be added to the website once they are active. Items available at the Apparel Plus Store. My short stories are available on smashworks! You can check out all of Lee’s SciFi Works and buy some directly from here on the Ebooks, Books pages. Stay Tuned!!! Want notifications of new books from Lee Crystal sign up here.
© Lee Crystal's Outpost 13 All rights reserved